March 5, 2009 ~ 3:00 PM
PRESENT: Brian Bullock, Town Manager; Karen Halley, Wachusett Food Pantry; Jacquelyn Kelly, Assistant Town Manager; Cheryl Owoc, Outreach, Holden Council on Aging; Donna Cross, Holden Municipal Light Dept.; Joseph G. Sullivan, Holden Board of Selectmen; Susan Marsh; Jim Robinson; Maureen Buffone, Secretary; Rebecca Evanoff, CERT.
OTHERS PRESENT: Michael Hakkarainen and Karl Hakkarainen from Joseph's Project.
Call Meeting to Order - Brian Bullock/Karen Halley
Brian Bullock called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m.
The minutes from the February 5, 2009 meeting were approved and accepted.
Food/WFP Update - Karen Halley
Karen reported that 143 families were served at the food pantry in February. She is seeing a lot of new seniors and families. Karen explained that 75% of the food she receives for distribution comes from the food bank and 25% from food drives and the bins around town. There are three (3) food banks that allot by zip code.
Fuel Assistance/Heating - Louise Charbonneau/Cheryl Owoc
Cheryl reported that demand is up. Since the last meeting, 3 families have been helped, 1 application is outstanding, 1 new application has been received, 3 applications have not been returned, 1 application is still sitting on the desk since January 13th, and 1 we are waiting to hear when the oil is needed. The expected total is a minimum of $2,000.00. A lot of the people who have been heard from have never been in this position. From January to June 2008, there have been 7 disbursements, and 9 disbursements from January 1, 2009 to date. In addition, we had one unusual circumstance where a family needed a kitchen stove; there was on family asking for $800.00 to pay the $300.00 electric bill and the balance to their landlord who owes the rest and lives out of state. One thank-you note was received from a family who received help.
Cheryl explained that the Welcome Aldrich Fund was started on February 1, 1937, with a bequest of $400.00 "to be used for the relief of the worthy poor of Holden." Only the income can be used, not the original $400.00.
Fire Safety/Fundraising Sign - Jack Chandler
Rebecca reported that Jack is working on the fundraising sign, and it should be ready early next week.
Fitness (building fitness/energy conservation) - Donna Fitch
No representation.
Facts (reference manual) - Cheryl Owoc
Joe Sullivan reported that the Help at Home booklets that were left at St. Mary's Church, the Mobil Station and other businesses int own are being taken. The Holden Neighborhood Association suggested additional information should be put in to the booklet (FEMA, MEMA, The Red Cross). Joe also recommended putting the website referral on the back of the booklet, where the most current information can be found. Brian suggested putting together an emergency basket with essential supplies and information that can be broadcast. There was also a suggestion to coordinate a program with the schools to make up sample emergency baskets. Cheryl spoke about free Trak phones that can be used in emergency situations.
Treasurer's Report - Jim Robinson - Fundraising Tally
Jim reported that donations to Help at H.O.M.E. are still coming in at a pretty good rate. He submitted a preliminary financial report dated February 28, 2009 showing a combined balance of $29,064.82. The total of receipts for the month was $2,667.75 and the total of disbursements was $705.78. The total year-to-date receipts was $13,052.43 and the total year-to-date disbursements was $3,165.38. Brian asked Jim to set the year from September 1st to August 31st, for reporting purposes. Joe moved to accept the financial report in to the minutes, which passed unanimously.
Clergy Outreach - Rev. Rich Simpson
No representation.
Banner Update
Karen called Kim at Woodmeister about three (3) weeks ago. Karen took the booklet in, but has not heard back. Karen asked Brian to follow up with Kim.
HCTV Possibilities - Guest: Johnny Suire
Johnny was invited to the meeting to give feed-back on what other ways the Help at H.O.M.E. Committee can get the word out to the community about the work the committee is doing. Johnny recommended using the Bulletin Board on Channel 12 and putting a scroll on the Public Access station on Channel 11. Susan will email the logo to Johnny to get that running, and Johnny will be back for the next meeting.
Other Business
Joe Sullivan invited Mike and Karl Hakkarainen to come in to learn about Help at H.O.M.E. and to tell the committee about Joseph's Project. Joseph's Project is a non-profit organization that provides food to those in need in the Wachusett area. The project is sponsored by employees of Hakkarainen General Contracting. With the help of local businesses and members of the community, they are collecting food to distribute to people in our own area who are in need. They started a couple of years ago and have 10 families that they distribute to on a weekly basis. There was discussion between Karen Halley and the Hakkarainens on how the Wachusett Food Pantry and Joseph's Project may be able to work together towards the same goals.
Set Date for Next Meeting
The next meeting will be held on Thursday, March 19, 2009 at 3:00 p.m. at the Holden Senior Center.
It was unanimously voted to adjourn the meeting at 3:55 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Maureen Buffone